Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Anecdote that crushes you with the human spirit #1

Today I overheard a story. I don't know where it was set--an American homeless shelter or a poor country abroad--or what exactly the event was, but it went something like this:

Volunteers had set up several stations to teach kids about something. Science, maybe.

One five-year-old boy studies each of them intently, one arm bent to carry his backpack, his three-year-old brother's hand and backpack grasped in the other. He's in charge of the little brother, and he wants to learn the material to make sure the little one understands it as well, and he has to memorize it to teach to the sister who was too sick to come.

Five years old.

The story-teller, a volunteer from the event, said that this was why, this was why...

And of course ze's right.